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Course of Stylistics
   Stylistics is a second-year course introduced within the LMD system in 2004/2005. It was a new course within the LMD system; therefore, it needed a thorough research in the field that is why the course starts with the theoretical background of the field of stylistics. We are basing ourselves on important concepts such as ‘literature as Text’ and ‘literature as discourse’ derived from H.G Widdowson (1975) Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature and on the notion of Foregrounding, a key concept in stylistics. We then focus on a given stylistic approach based on grammar and vocabulary, that of Walter Nash and apply it to all the texts we study in the classroom. We also concentrate on foregrounding as defined by Mick Short (1996) in his book Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays, and Prose, by Katie Wales(2001) and by M.A.K Halliday 2002) since it reveals the aesthetic and literary devices of the literary artist in enhancing his vision. Furthermore, stylistics also includes the context (civilization, history, biography) which are para-linguistic aspects which add to meaning because stylistics is first of all concerned with meaning and interpretation. It is an extremely important course for EFL students as it combines the learning of the language system in context and is based on the students’ response to language use, and is therefore a prerequisite to any evolution from studying literature as subject to studying literature as discipline.
Dr.Nassera Senhadji

  • Course Abstract:

Generally, research is the organized and systematic method of finding answers to questions.  It is systematic because it is a process broken up into clear steps that lead to conclusions. Research is organized because there is a planned structure or method used to reach the conclusion.  Research is only successful if we find answers, whether we like these answers or not. Development research is focused on relevant, useful and important questions. If there are no questions, there can be no research. Therefore, this unit is meant to acquaint our students with necessary, useful and relevant information and knowledge about what a research methodology is, how and when to feel ready to undertake a research project, what to search for, and mainly what the implications are in doing such a work. Moreover, this unit is addressed to provide the students with ample techniques and data about the way a bibliography has to be tackled, presented and the necessity of basing one’s research on these references. Finally, through this unit the students will be able to follow the main instructions, instances and steps to be able to write correctly, concisely and meaningfully their research proposal and dissertation.