Aperçu des sections

  • Généralités

  • Section 1

    • Part one: General Grammar, semester 02

    • Part two: basic concepts + Areas of intervention in speech therapy , semester 02

      A- Concepts:

      1) - speech therapy rehabilitation 

      2)- speech therapist is a therapist 

      3)- speech therapy follow up 

      4)- linguistic sign 

      B- relationship between speech therapy and other disciplines :

      1)- speech therapy and medicine 

      2)-speech therapy and psychology 

      3- speech therapy and psychoanalysis 

      4)- speech therapy and linguistics 

      C- Areas of intervention in speech therapy:

      1) Aphasia 

      2) voice and phonation disorders 

      3) Oral and written disorders 

      4) Neuro-psycholinguistics disorders 

      5) Deafness 

    • Section 4

      • Section 5

        • Section 6

          • Section 7

            • Section 8

              • Section 9

                • Section 10